More Cow Info:
- Old cows in India have their own nursing home.
- There are approximately 350 squirts in a gallon of milk.
- The fastest cow is the Corriente.
- There are an estimated 920 cow breeds in the world!
- The average cow with two milkings a day produces about 10 gallons of milk a day.
- 10 gallons of milk weighs about 60 pounds! (No wonder cows get frisky after milking!)
- It takes about 1.5 gallons of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream.
- In the average herd there is one bull for every 30 cows.
- Corn is the most popular feed, then pasture, then hay.
- The world's biggest Holstein statue is in New Salem, North Dakota.
A Field Guide to Cows
, by John Pukite, Falcon Press, Helena, Montana, 1996.