The Adventures of Molly Merry Christmas 2004
Today has been most delightful. I have new clothes now for my upcoming travels.
I will be the best dressed cow in Hawaii! As you can see, I couldn't wait to
try on one of my new outfits and get into the festive holiday spirit.
On Christmas Eve, I had a meal
of carrots and just a small spot of wine. The wine
made me sleepy and I rested my eyes a little bit
before Santa came with gifts for the kids.
On Christmas morning I presided over the festivities as
the Christmas Tree angel. I rather like being way up high like
this. Gives a bovine a new view on things. It's also good practice
for when I take my first airplane trip in a few days!
When no one was looking
I played in the wrapping paper... just a little bit.
I have to maintain my reputation as a dignified cow.
I also had fun riding the Christmas Train. Whoo! Whoo!
By the way, don't I look fabulous in this feather boa!
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Molly would like to thank Cris, her niece Nicole, and her
brother John; Ken, Bob & Bob, Arden, and Paul's mom Mrs. Billie Nelson... and especially Keith
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