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Daisy's Story

Daisy's person-mom writes:

"I guess you could call me a 'city' girl who married a farmer. His family has had the same herd of Polled Herefords for almost 4 generations. As you can see, Daisy is not polled. I'm not sure exactly what caused this, but Daisy isn't exactly "normal" anyway. She is from a first-calf heifer, and was born premature - she was around 25 lbs when she was born. Her momma abandoned her, and then some wild animal (not sure what) attacked her, but thankfully the 2 farm dogs (Muffy and Sam) chased it away. She had really bad wounds on her neck and back. My father-in-law said if I could nurse her back to health, she would be mine. So, Daisy took a 12 mile trip in the back seat of my car to my house. She lived in the backyard until she was mooing so loud the neighbors were complaining. Then she went out with my horses, who kept her company. She is now 1 1/2 years old and is probably 1/2 the size of a normal heifer. I doubt I will ever breed her due to her size - she will always be my 500 lb pasture puppy!"

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